nanking katliamı

entry18 galeri
  1. rape of Nanking olarak ta geçen, tarihte yaşanmış en büyük trajedilerden biri. nanking'de, japonların işgalinin sadece ilk ayında 80.000 kadına tecavüz edilip, işkencelerle öldürüldü. katliamdan sorumlu 2 general uzak doğu savaş mahkemesinde idam cezasına çarptırıldılar. fakat hiç bir ceza, bu katliamdan kurtulanların veya tanık olanların anlattıklarının insanı hala şok etmesini engelleyemez.


    Japanese soldiers came to our village and forced me to lead them to where 'flower girls' hid. I
    would rather die than do this kind of inhuman thing. I refused and angered them. An officer cut
    my lips open with his sword and chopped off my teeth.


    'Fathers [were forced to] rape their own daughters, brothers their sisters, sons
    their mothers';


    There [were] so many bodies on the street, victims
    of group rape and murder. They were all stripped naked, their breasts cut off, leaving
    a terrible dark brown hole; some of them were bayoneted in the abdomen, with their
    intestines spilling out alongside them; some had a roll of paper or a piece of wood stuffed
    in their vaginas';


    In some cases, the
    Japanese sliced open the vaginas of preteen girls in order to ravish them more effectively

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