death in june

entry5 galeri
  1. 1981 yılında douglas p. tarafından kurulmu$ ingiliz müzik grubu. grupta yer almı$ ve yer almakta olan diğer üyeler sırasıyla ;

    (bkz: Patrick Leagas)
    (bkz: Tony Wakeford)
    (bkz: David Tibet)
    (bkz: Boyd Rice)
    (bkz: John Murphy)

    (bkz: The Guilty Have No Pride) (1983)
    (bkz: Burial) (1984)
    (bkz: Nada!) (1985)
    (bkz: The World That Summer) (1986)
    (bkz: Brown Book) (1987)
    (bkz: The Wall of Sacrifice) (1989)
    (bkz: Östenbräun) (1989)
    (bkz: But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter?) (1992)
    (bkz: Rose Clouds of Holocaust) (1995)
    (bkz: Death in June Presents: Occidental Martyr) (1995)
    (bkz: Death in June Presents: KAPO!) (1996)
    (bkz: Scorpion Wind : Heaven Sent) (1996)
    (bkz: Take Care & Control) (1998)
    (bkz: Operation Hummingbird) (2000)
    (bkz: All Pigs Must Die) (2001)
    (bkz: Death in June & Boyd Rice : Alarm Agents) (2004)
    (bkz: Free Tibet) (2006)
    (bkz: The Rule of Thirds) (2008)
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