the healer

entry2 galeri
  1. gerek melodisiyle gerekse sözleriyle hatta ve hatta özellikle sözleriyle mükkemmelinde ötesinde olan bir erykah badu şarkısı.

    Humdi, Lila, Allah, Jehova
    Yahweh, Dios, Ma'ad, Jah
    Rastafari, dance, sex, music, hip-hop

    It's bigger than religion
    it's bigger than my niggas
    it's bigger than the government
    (humdi luli lali lulo)
    This one fa' Dilla, hip-hop

    humdi luli la, humdi luli la lilulo
    humdi lulila humdi lulilaaa

    we ain't dead said the children don't believe it
    We just made ourselves invisible
    underwater, stove-top, blue flame
    scientist come out with your scales up

    get baptized in the ocean of the hungry
    (Humdi luli lalilulo, Humdi lulilalilu)
    My niggas turn in to gods,
    walls come tumblin...(aaahhh)

    Humdi, Lila, Allah, Jehova
    Yahweh, Dios, Ma'ad, Jah
    Rastafari, dance, sex, music, hip-hop

    It's bigger than religion
    it's bigger than my niggas
    it's bigger than the government
    (humdi luli lali lulo)
    This one is the healer, hip-hop

    humdi luli la, humdi luli la lilulo
    humdi lulila humdi lulilaaa

    Told you we aint dead yet
    we been livin' through your internet
    you don't have to believe everything you think
    we've been programmed wake up, we miss you.

    they call you indigo, we call you Africa.
    go get baptized in the ocean of the people
    (Humdi luli lalulilo)
    say reboot, refresh, restart.
    fresh page, new day, o.g.'s, new key...

    humdi luli la, humdi luli la lilulo
    humdi lulila humdi lulilaaa
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