naçizane; şu şekilde bir maille karşılık verdiğim kibar yazı.
"To our Turkish opponents we just want to say thank you for the experience and for two good spirited matches that we will remember forever. Good luck in the next round!
First of all, thanks for your well-bred success message. I was at Kadikoy Stadium for the first match and i saw a really striver team, inspite of our high quality team. Everybody was knowing that who is the winner of this match, but you strived for a nice game. By the way, i hope you will be successful in your league; you'll be the champion and one day pair off for Champions League again...
Thank you for your well-bread succsess message again. Wish all clubs in the world will be like you, as polite as you...
Fenerbahçe & B36 supporter from Turkiye, Xxxxx YYYYYY"
edit: kibarlıktan bi s.kimi anlamayanların t.şşak geçtikleri, okuyanın zekası doğrultusunda daha da anlamlaşabilecek ve verdiği mesajlarla gündemde deprem etkisi yaratabilecek entrylere sebep olan yazı.*