space marines

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  1. wh40k fanlarının derlediği 14 maddelik sarkastik "space marine olma kılavuzu"ndan, nasıl mahluklar oldukları kolayca anlaşılabilecek azmanlar:


    1- Think before negotiating: If you fire at them with everything you have, could you remove the need to negotiate?

    2- If negotiation is a necessity, think while doing so: what is the best way to cleave the enemy ambassadors in twain?

    3- If all else fails, fighting is always the answer.

    4- If fighting fails, you are not fighting hard enough.

    5- If you are not fighting hard enough, fight louder.

    6- The best approach is always from the front.

    7- If the enemy has left their flanks open, feint and then attack from the front.

    8- If the front is heavily defended, they are expecting a flank attack. Attack from the front.

    9- If their flanks and front is both heavily defended but they are vulnerable to an aerial strike, distract them with aerial bombardment and then attack from the front.

    10- If attacking from the front does not work, you are not fighting hard enough. See point 5.

    11- If attacking from the front is still not working, you're obviously not attacking their front! See point 6

    12- If there is no possibility for victory, attack from the front as furiously and loudly as possible. Remember, the greater the defeat, the greater the moral victory.

    13- The more blood your armour is covered with at the end of a battle, the happier the Emperor will be.

    14 - If you fail to get any blood on you, cut yourself like the eight foot tall, chainsword wielding, battlecry shrieking, superhuman emo that you are. The Emperor likes blood, no matter whose it is.


    not: istek olursa türkçesi de gelebilir.
    7 ...