
entry465 galeri video2
  1. herkesin ilgisini çekiceğini düşündüğüm filmden unutulmayan diyaloglar:

    *Bella Edward'ın evine ilk girdiğinde:
    Edward Cullen: What did you expect? Coffins and dungeons and moats?
    Isabella Swan: No, not the moats.
    Edward Cullen: Not the moats.

    Edward Cullen: And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
    Isabella Swan: What a stupid lamb.
    Edward Cullen: What a sick, masochistic lion.
    *Bunun için bir yorum yapmaya gerek yok herhalde..=)

    *rosalie ile bella nın ilk cullenların evindeki atışmasından..
    Rosalie Hale: No, she should know. The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly.
    Isabella Swan: Badly as in... I become the meal.

    *edwardın bellayı port angelestaki adamlardan kurtardıktan sonra arabının içinde geçen konuşma..
    Edward Cullen: I should go back there and rip those guys' heads off.
    Isabella Swan: Um... No, you shouldn't.
    Edward Cullen: You don't know the vile, repulsive things they were thinking.
    Isabella Swan: And you do?
    Edward Cullen: It's not hard to guess.
    Edward Cullen: Can you talk about something else? Distract me so I won't turn around.
    Isabella Swan: You should put your seat belt on.
    Edward Cullen: Haha... you should put your seat belt on!

    *okulda bahçesinde..
    Isabella Swan: Everybody's staring.
    Edward Cullen: Not that guy. No he just looked. Breaking all the rules now anyways. Since I'm going to hell.

    *port angeles'taki yemek..
    Isabella Swan: Did you follow me?
    Edward Cullen: I... I feel very protective of you.
    Isabella Swan: So you followed me.
    Edward Cullen: I was trying to keep a distance unless you needed my help and then I heard what those low-lives were thinking.
    Isabella Swan: Wait. You say you heard what they were thinking?
    Isabella Swan: So what you... you read minds?
    Edward Cullen: I can read every mind in this room apart from yours. There's... Money. Sex. Money. Sex. Cat... And then you, nothing. That's very frustrating.
    Isabella Swan: Is there something wrong with me?
    Edward Cullen: See... I tell you I can read minds and you think there's something wrong with you?

    *edward ailesiyle tanışmasını istediğini söyler bellaya..
    Edward Cullen: I'm gonna take you to my place tomorrow.
    Isabella Swan: Thanks... Er, wait, like with yout family?
    Edward Cullen: Yeah.
    Edward Cullen: W-what if they don't like me?
    Edward Cullen: So you're worried, not because you'll be in a house full of vampires, but because you think they won't approve of you?
    Isabella Swan: I'm glad I amuse you.

    *edward güneşte parlar..
    Isabella Swan: It's like diamonds... you're beautiful.
    Edward Cullen: Beautiful? This is the skin of a killer, Bella... I'm a killer.
    Isabella Swan: I don't believe that.
    Edward Cullen: That's because you believe only the lies... the camouflage. I'm the world's most dangerous predator, Bella. Every thing about me invites you in. My voice, my face, even my smell.* As if I would need any of that... as if you could out run me... as if you could fight me off. I'm designed to kill.
    Isabella Swan: I don't care.
    Edward Cullen: I've killed people before.
    Isabella Swan: It does not matter.
    Edward Cullen: I wanted to kill you at first. I've never wanted a human's blood so much, before.

    *james in bellayı ısırmasından sonra hastanede geçen konuşma..
    Isabella Swan: You can't leave me!
    Edward Cullen: Shh... Where else would I go?

    *port angelestaki yemek..
    Edward Cullen: I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore.*
    Isabella Swan: Then don't.

    Edward Cullen: You're like a drug to me. Like my own personal brand of heroine.*

    Isabella Swan: About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him, and I didn't know how dominate that part might be, that thirsted for my blood.* And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.
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