
entry306 galeri video6
  1. muhtemelen marvel evreninin en eğlenceli karakteridir kendisi. paralı askerdir. evine gelen bir telefon sayesinde şöyle bir diyalog yaşanmıştır;

    +is this deadpool? i was told this was the number to call if i had special needs...
    -(kafasında maskesi, altında boxer, oturduğu yerde tabancasıyla oynuyor) ..this is deadpoll
    +the mercenary..?
    -i prefer "well-compensated establishment provocateur."
    +ah. yes.. have you ever heard of the one world church?
    +it's in france.
    -i'll pass.
    +it pays a lot.
    -good sir, you can't pay me enough to go to france while our countries are at war!
    +umm.. We're not at war.
    -we're not?
    -so.. how much money?
    -well, that sure is a lot.
    16 ...