1.8.2 versiyonu cikmis, en basarili torrent client yazilimidir.
bu arada yogun istek uzerine, utorrent peer flag tanimlarini da yayinlayalim*;
d = currently downloading (interested and not choked)
d = your client wants to download, but peer doesn't want to send (interested and choked) u = currently uploading (interested and not choked)
u = peer wants your client to upload, but your client doesn't want to (interested and choked) o = optimistic unchoke s = peer is snubbed i = peer is an incoming connection k = peer is unchoking your client, but your client is not interested
? = your client unchoked the peer but the peer is not interested x = peer was included in peerlists obtained through peer exchange (pex) h = peer was obtained through dht. e = peer is using protocol encryption (all traffic)
e = peer is using protocol encryption (handshake) l = peer is local (discovered through network broadcast, or in reserved local ip ranges)