muhendislik fakültesinde okuyan 3 arkadasın maceralarını konu alan, cok cok gulduren, eglenceli, kimi zaman huzunlendiren, cok guzel bir sistem elestirisine sahip 2009 aamir khan filmi.
rancho: pursue excellence, and success will follow, pants down.
sorun ne olursa olsun kalbinize "her şey yolunda " demelisiniz. çünkü kalbiniz çok hassastır ve sözlerinize çabuk kanar .
“yarından bu kadar korku duyarsan, bugünü nasıl yaşarsın?”
farhan qureshi: today my respect for that idiot shot up. most of us went to college just for a degree. no degree meant no plum job, no pretty wife, no credit card, no social status. but none of this mattered to him, he was in college for the joy of learning, he never cared if he was first or last.
farhan qureshi: ıf ı become a photographer? ı'll just earn less, right? my home will be small, my car will be small.but, dad, ı'll be happy!ı'll be really happy.whatever ı do, ı will be doing it from my heart.
rancho: do you know why ı come first?
farhan qureshi: why?
rancho: ı'm in love with machine. engineering is my passion.
"there was knowledge everywhere. go get it from anywhere you can." - rancho.
"dude, quit engineering and become a wildlife photographer! do something that you have talent for. ıf lata mangeshkar's (singer) father told her to become a fast bowler. or if sachin tendulkar's (cricketer) father told him to be a singer. ımagine where they'd be today. do you understand what ı'm saying? ıdiot. he loves animals but he's marrying machines!" - rancho.
"whatever you enjoy doing, make that your profession. then work won’t seem to be work, but a game." - farhan quote rancho.
give me some sunshine,
give me some rain,
give me another chance,
ı wanna grow up once again...
- joy lobo.