eski esime bana hatırlatan cok film var.
acı tatlı ekşi
karışık kaset
a star to born
ama nedense en cok bu filmin bizi anlattıgını dusunmusumdur.
30 yasında cicegi burnunda bir cift hayatlarıyla neyapacagını bilmemektedirler. beraber anlam aramak icin yolculaga cıkarlar. cok tatlı bir yol filmidir bu. olaylar gelisir:
-we are 30 years old. we are fucked up.
-we are not fucked up.
-yes we are.
burt farlander: do you promise to let our daughter be fat or skinny or any weight at all? because we want her to be happy, no matter what. being obsessed with weight is just too cliché for our daughter.
verona de tessant: yes, ı do. do you promise, when she talks, you'll listen? like, really listen, especially when she's scared? and that her fights will be your fights?
burt farlander: ı do. and do you promise that if ı die some embarrassing and boring death that you're gonna tell our daughter that her father was killed by russian soldiers in this intense hand-to-hand combat in an attempt to save the lives of 850 chechnyan orphans?
verona de tessant: ı do. chechnyan orphans. ı do. ı do.