george soros

entry133 galeri video2
    artık işleri yavrusuna bırakmış .
    yavrusu " ben babamdan çok
    daha politiğim " diye mesaj göndermiş .
    yılda 1,5 milyar dolar harcayıp
    aşırı sol hareketleri destekleyecekmiş .

    George Soros Hands Control to
    His 37-Year-Old Son: ‘I’m More Political’

    Alex Soros says the family’s $25 billion
    philanthropic enterprise will boost its
    support for voting and abortion rights .

    'I'm more political': George Soros, 92, hands
    reins over to son, Alex, who promises to push
    more than $1.5BILLION a year to back liberal
    causes and far-left candidates .

    George Soros has handed control of
    his $25billion empire to his son, Alex
    The 37-year-old is planning to expand upon
    his father's woke aims, but embrace different
    causes like voting and abortion rights .
    Alex has already visited the White House
    14 times in just over a year and met with big-name Democrats .
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