
entry12 galeri
  1. (bkz: state of the world address) (bkz: biohazard)

    Here's a dedication
    To the men and women who've served in Vietnam
    From our generation to you and your family...
    Respect is long overdue
    Memories of blood, red, white, blue
    Orange skies at night, southeast Asia knew
    You were called to serve and you did it well
    For us you've made a round-trip through hell
    Wars within wars, within wars
    To survive you made your own laws
    Every day and night to stay alive
    You kept your head down and your powder dry
    Memories of families
    It's God i've known
    Take me home
    Now you live asking God why
    He didn't take you when your brothers all died
    Explosions shake the dreams in your head at night in bed
    Don't wake him up or you'll end up dead
    Try to understand his pain
    He still sees blood stains that remain
    In his heart and mind, try to numb the pain
    People think they understand
    Sat watching TV back on quiet land
    They spit on you now we'll spit back for you
    Our hearts, our voice, gift of our hands
    What can they do for you and those who served
    And died, we pay respect to the families
    Who still cry
    Your kids are now full grown
    With the love and pride you should have known
    Back when your country brought you home
    Still now you fight the tears and face your fears each day
    But the horrors of fact won't go away
    For 2300 MIA's or POW's to this day
    We remember and pray for you
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