kid a

entry16 galeri
  1. Radiohead'ın 2 Ekim 2000'de çıkardığı ingiltere ve amerika listelerinde 1 numara olan albümünün ismi.Cd,kaset,minidisk ve plak formatında piyasaya sürülmü$tür.Prodüktörleri Radiohead ve Nigel Godrich'tir.Tracklist'i $u $ekildedir;

    01. Everything In Its Right Place
    02. Kid A
    03. The National Anthem
    04. How To Disappear Completely
    05. Treefingers
    06. Optimistic
    07. In Limbo
    08. Idioteque
    09. Morning Bell
    10. Motion Picture Soundtrack

    Albümden hiç bir $arkı single olarak piyasaya sürülmemi$tir.Video olarak sadece idioteque'nin canlı bir performansı vardır o kadar.

    i$te radiohead'ın albüm hakkında söyledikleri;

    "It was necessary to go away and glue back the pieces. In a way in order to survive we had to stop being answerable"

    "I cannot get my head around the fact that it's number one in America at all. It just doesn't mean anything. It's just la-la." Thom

    "Obviously, it was a very conscious decision not to go down the same route we'd travelled before. In retrospect I don't think OK Computer sounded that much different to The Bends but this one does - it's a lot more textural and unlike anything we've done before" Ed

    "The vocal parts are really interesting because it's the first album that we - as a band - haven't been aware of what Thom's singing about. He didn't talk about his lyrics" Ed

    "Most people who approach us say that they love the album, but are surprised to find out that other people are enjoying it as well" Jonny
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