16 Haziran 1997'de piyasaya sürülmü$ radiohead albümü.Prodüktörleri Radiohead ve Nigel Godrich'dir.Tracklist'i $u $ekilde olan albüm;
01. Airbag
02. Paranoid Android
03. Subterranean Homesick Alien
04. Exit Music [For A Film]
05. Let Down
06. Karma Police
07. Fitter Happier
08. Electioneering
09. Climbing Up The Walls
10. No Surprises
11. Lucky
12. The Tourist
cd,kaset,minidisk ve plak formatında piyasaya sürülmü$tür.ingiltere listelerinde birinci sıraya kadar gelen albüm amerika listelerinde dördüncü sıraya
Albümden çıkan single'lar ise $u $ekildedir;
Paranoid Android
Karma Police
No Surprises
Albümde yer alan $arkılara çekilmi$ videolara ise $öyledir;
Paranoid Android
Karma Police
No Surprises
Radiohead'ın sitesinde Ok Computer'de ki her $arkıya videoklip çekme projelerinin doğru olduğuna söylemi$ler ama bu i$in zaman ve para kısıtlaması nedeniyle ertelediklerini belirtmi$lerdir.
Albüm hakkında Radiohead'ın söyledikleri ise $öyle;
"I was really amazed of how people described the sound. Like the sound of Ed´s guitar at the start of No Surprises or the way Airbag starts. One sounds like a child´s toy, the other sounds like a car accident. And for people to pick up on those things was a real fucking kick." - Thom Yorke
"We weren't listening to guitar bands, we were thoroughly ashamed of being a guitar band. So we bought loads of keyboards and learned how to use them, and when we got bored we went back to guitars." - Thom Yorke
"I don't think it's that good an album, really. There are good songs on it but there are songs that just sound like dead ends, that sound like it's the last time we can do that. I don't think we've finished yet." - Jonny Greenwood
"If you thought there were no singles on The Bends, you should hear this one !!" - Colin
"It's not The Bends, the Sequel, or of The Prequel. But, there's a continuity. You don't get the feeling we've ripped up all the songs from The Bends and re-invented ourselves in a horribly pop-tastic way." - Colin Greenwood
"I think the third album will be celebratory and maybe not so inward-looking, that would be great. I think thinking is a good thing but there are times when you say fuck it. We're allowed to make mistakes." - Ed O'brien
"When we first delivered the album to Capitol, their first reaction was, more or less, `Commercial suicide.' They weren't really into it. At that point, we got The Fear. How is this going to be received?" - Phil Selway
Ayrıca Radiohead'ın ok computer turnesinden ne kadar sıkıldığını görmek isteyenlere kaynak;