the bends

entry12 galeri
  1. Doğru tracklist'i $u $ekilde olan albüm.

    01. Planet Telex
    02. The Bends
    03. High And Dry
    04. Fake Plastic Trees
    05. Bones
    06. [Nice Dream]
    07. Just
    08. My Iron Lung
    09. Bullet Proof... I Wish I Was
    10. Black Star
    11. Sulk
    12. Steet Spirit [Fade Out]

    Japonya versiyonunda ise i$ler deği$iyor ve tracklist $öyle bir hal alıyor;

    01. Planet Telex
    02. The Bends
    03. High And Dry
    04. Fake Plastic Trees
    05. Bones
    06. [Nice Dream]
    07. Just
    08. My Iron Lung
    09. Bullet Proof... I Wish I Was
    10. Black Star
    11. Sulk
    12. Steet Spirit [Fade Out]

    Albümden çıkan single'lar ise $öyle;

    My Iron Lung
    High And Dry
    Fake Plastic Trees
    The Bends
    Street Spirit [Fade Out]

    Çekilmi$ videoları olan parçalarda $u $ekilde;

    My Iron Lung
    High And Dry [UK]
    High And Dry [US]
    Fake Plastic Trees
    Street Spirit [Fade Out]

    Albüm hakkında Radiohead'ın söyledikleri ise $öyle;

    "The Bends was an introspective album ... There was an awful lot of soul searching. To do that again on another album would be excruciatingly boring." - Phil Selway

    "The Bends was many things, but it wasn't really *chirpy* was it? It was more like a darkness lumbering over the horizon with gun turrets strafing the Britpop hordes with misery. Er, sorry. Got a bit carried away there." - Colin Greenwood

    "We wanted to make this new record a year and a half ago but the U.S. success of 'Creep' kept us from going into the studio. The delay added a seasoned street spirit that probably would not have been there if we had recorded it earlier. It's a lot more relaxed than our first record." - Colin Greenwood

    "When I started out writing stuff with Thom-back when we were 13 or 14 recording stuff at school-we used to listen endlessly to ourselves playing music. It was very egotistical. We never did that again until this album. The first one we didn't like enough to listen to it, but we still play The Bends occasionally." - Jonny Greenwood

    Radiohead 2 yıl aralıksız bir $ekilde süren Pablo Honey turnesini bitirince 1994'te My iron Lung ep'sini çıkarmı$lar ve 13 Mart 1995'te de The Bends albümlerini piyasaya sürmü$lerdir.Sadece creep'ten ibaret olmadıklarını gösterircesine albüm ingiltere listlerinde 4 numaraya çıkmı$tır.

    Albüm kaset minidisk cd ve plak formatında piyasaya sürülmü$tür.
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