content management framework

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  1. cmslerin apilerine denir efendim.


    ahan da bir kaç örnek:


    Joomla! (PHP and MySQL)

    Drupal (PHP and MySQL/PostgreSQL)

    Plone (Python)

    Apache Cocoon (Java)

    Apache Jackrabbit (Java)

    Apache Sling (Java, JSP, ECMAScript)

    AxKit (Perl)

    Brix Content Management Framework (Java, Apache Jackrabbit and Apache Wicket)

    Catalyst (Perl)

    CherryPy (Python)

    Cuyahoga (ASP.NET and MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL (NHibernate))

    Day Communiqué WCM (JSP - based on Apache Sling)

    Ekklesia 360 CMS (PHP and MySQL)

    eZ Publish (PHP4, PHP5, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server)

    Grails (Java)

    Jakarta Slide (Java)

    Jaws (PHP and PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Firebird, InterBase, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite)

    Mambo (PHP and MySQL)

    Maypole (Perl)

    Midgard (GLib, D-Bus, PHP, Python and MySQL)

    MODx CMS (PHP 4.1.x-5 and MySQL 3.2x-5)

    Monk CMS (PHP and MySQL)

    nethead cms (Perl and MySQL,PostgreSQL, Oracle)

    OpenACS (AOLserver and PostgreSQL or Oracle)

    phpXCore (PHP and MySQL)

    Pier (Smalltalk and Seaside)

    RIFE (Java)

    SAPID CMF (PHP 4/5, works with MySQL)

    Seagull (PHP 4/5, works with MySQL, Oracle or PostgreSQL)

    SilverStripe (PHP 5, works with MySQL, PostgreSQL)

    Symphony CMS (PHP 5 and MySQL, with XML and XSLT)

    TangoCMS (PHP5 and MySQL)

    TYPO3 (PHP and MySQL)

    Xaraya (PHP and MySQL)

    XOOPS (PHP and MySQL)

    Zena (Ruby on Rails and MySQL)
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