suriyeli erkek türk kadını aşkı filmi müjde

entry12 galeri
  1. film hakkında imdb de yazılan bazı şeyler .....

    Lame director
    sirakaya-987-3397024 April 2022
    Alphan okuyorsun degil mi yazilanlari? Olm memlekete vuracaksan pamuk orhan ustadin gibi vur da nobel falan kovala bari. Bu nasil berbat bir sey yahu? Asik kadin diye 66 yasinda nineyi oynatmissin. Bu osuruktan once de suriye zorlamissin o da olmamis. Bundan da ekmek yiyemeyeceksin kanka. Sori.

    Are you cheating on my child?
    yakuperkmen3 April 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Whoever and whoever publishes the trailers of actors, producers and advertisers on the day the AKP ends will immediately open an investigation and give an account.

    Not even a movie, a political disaster
    tcguvenn5 April 2022
    This is not a real movie. When you watch it you immediately realize this was a carefully planned political propaganda about Syrian refugees.

    Acting is terrible, the overall message is problematic.

    Do not waste your time:

    film ters tepmiş kısacası ..... türkmenler hariç suriyeliler suriyeye ....
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