The Canadair CL-215 (Scooper) is the first model in a series of flying boat amphibious aircraft designed and built by Canadian aircraft manufacturer Canadair, and later produced by Bombardier. It is one of only a handful of large amphibious aircraft to have been produced in large numbers during the post-war era, and the first to be developed from the onset as a water bomber.
evet kanada yapımı ambifibik , nakliye ve yangın söndürme uçağı ...
türkiyede şu an dokuz tane bulunuyormuş ....
Gökçen Aviation of Turkish Aeronautical Association: nine CL-215s and the current contractor for the Turkish Ministry of Forestry[33]
dikkat !!!!! eylül 2019 itibariyle kanadada tam 64 tane cl -215 , cl -415 hizmette imiş .
As of September 2019 there were 64 CL215/CL-415 registered with Transport Canada.[24]