dave matthews band'in doğu ve batı sentezini kararında tutturduğu başarılı vokallere sahip parçası.arada gelen "buraya buraya" şeklindeki pazarcı sesleri dikkatten kaçmaz.
fire,the sun is well asleep
moon is high above
fire grows from the east
how is this?
hate so deep.
lead us all so blindly killing killing
fools we are if hate's the gate to peace
this is the last stop
for raining tears
the only way to peace
i don't fall for that
raining tears
you're righteous so righteous
you're always so right
go ahead and dream
go ahead believe that you are the chosen one
raining tears
oh no
gracious even god
bloodied the cross
your sins are washed enough
mother's cry
is hate so deep
must a baby's bones
this hungry fire feed
as smoke clouds roll in
the symphony of death
this is the last stop
right is wrong now
shut up you big lie
this black and white lie
you comb your hair to hide
your lying eyes
you're righteous, so righteous
you're always so right
but why your lie
go ahead and dream
go ahead believe that you are the chosen one
this is the last stop
here there's more than is showing up
hope that we can break it down
it's not so black and white
you're righteous
you're righteous
you're righteous
you're always so right
there you are nailing a good tree
then say forgive me, forgive me
raining tears
this is the last stop
here there is more than is showing up
hope that we can break it down
it's not so black and white...