suya belli frekanslarda elektromanyetik enerji gönderilir .
suyun molekül yapısı değişir . yüzde 30 verim artışı olur .
So How Does Vi-Aqua Technology Work?
The literature indicates that each of the units, whether battery or mains
operated, emits safe frequency electromagnetic signals into the water
which modify the molecular structure of water and increase the amount
of hydrogen peroxide in the water.
The benefits are that this improves the surface tension of water so that
it becomes more wettable and enables roots to more easily extract nutrients
from the soil.
This results in faster root and plant growth, stronger healthier plants and
potentially a reduction in the amount of water required for irrigation.
The manufacturers have undertaken trials that indicate significant benefits
to using vi-aqua. Up to 30% yield increase in spring lettuce.