bizim ve azerbaycan'ın tek kazanımı nahcivan-azerbaycan koridoru olarak gözüküyor.
lakin orada da beni tedirgin eden şeyler var.
zira antlaşma metnine göre nahcivan-azerbaycan koridorunun kontrolü de rusya'ya verilmiş.
antlaşma metninin 9. maddesi şöyle;
9. all economic and transport links in
the region will be unblocked.
the republic of armenia provides transport links between the western regions of the republic of azerbaijan and the nakhchivan autonomous republic in order to organize the unhindered movement of citizens, vehicles and goods in both directions.
traffic control is carried out by the authorities border service of the fsb of russia. by agreement of the parties, the construction of new transport links will be provided
nakhchivan autonomous republic with the western regions of azerbaijan.
şahsen ben tatmin olmadım.
antlaşmayı detaylı inceleyeceğim...