sübyancılığı savunanlar .....
Paedophile advocate "Professor" Gary Dowsett
sübyancılığı savunanlar ......
Age of consent reform
Albany Trust
Bill Andriette
Frits Bernard
Walter H. Breen
Edward Brongersma
Bruno's (German company)
Campaign for Homosexual Equality
Paul Christiano
Daniel Cohn-Bendit
Joseph Doucé
Ian Dunn (activist)
Dutch Society for Sexual Reform
Tony Duvert
Fantasy defense
French petition against age of consent laws
Gay Left
Allen Ginsberg
Harry Hay
Helmut Kentler
Nathan Larson (politician)
Rüdiger Lautmann
Liberty (advocacy group)
Gabriel Matzneff
Michael Jackson’s Dangerous Liaisons
Henry de Montherlan
North American Man/Boy Love Association
Tom O'Carroll
Outright Scotland
Paedophile Information Exchange
Camille Paglia
Party for Neighbourly Love, Freedom, and Diversity
Pedophile Group
Roger Peyrefitte
René Guyon Society
Sexual Morality and the Law
Spartacus International Gay Guide
David Thorstad
Vereniging Martijn
Joop Wilhelmus
Peter Lamborn Wilson
Amos Yee