amerikan iç savaşı

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  1. At least 13 U.S. cities have cut funding from police department budgets or decreased officer numbers with several more in the process amid a national reckoning over systemic racism and police brutality, according to a Forbes tally.

    amerikada polisin bütçesi kısılıyor .

    The country’s two largest cities, New York and Los Angeles, approved budget cuts weeks after protests began—New York slashed $1 billion from its 2021 budget totaling $88.9 billion (reallocating $354 million to mental health, homelessness and education services) while Los Angeles approved a $150 million budget cut from its $1.86 billion proposed budget.


    Manhattan Has Over 13,000 Empty Apartments
    As NYers Move Out Of The City .

    covid ve blm olayları yüzünden manhattan boşalıyor .


    ayrıca ......

    trumpun eski danışmanı roger stone
    trumpa " eğer seçimi kaybedersen bütün
    gücü eline al , polisi merkezileştir ,
    oy kullanılmasını engelle , tutuklamalar yap
    demiş " .

    Roger Stone calls for Trump to seize total
    power if he loses the election

    Stone also said federal authorities should seize all
    Nevada ballots, federal agents and GOP state officials
    should “physically” block voting, that Trump
    should nationalize police forces, and that Trump
    should order widespread arrests .

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