Ekonomide devletin rolünün minimize edilmesi gerektiğini, özgür toplumun ancak tam manasıyla hem ekonomik hem de bireysel özgürlüklerin genişletilmesiyle ulaşılabileceğini savunan görüş açısı. Özellikle Judeo-Christian öğretinin temeli olan "özgür irade", "özgür seçim" (free will) konusuna çok öenm verirler.
Encarta bu ideolojiyi şöyle tanımlıyor: "Libertarianism, political philosophy emphasizing the rights of the individual. The doctrine of libertarianism stresses the right to self-ownership and, by extension, the right to private ownership of material resources and property. Advocates oppose any form of taxation and favor a laissez-faire economic system.
The doctrine was espoused by American anarchists in the 19th century. Libertarianism reappeared in U.S. political thinking in the 1970s, representing an assertion of individual liberty in the face of growing government involvement in all aspects of life. The Libertarian Party was founded in the U.S. in 1972. Since then its candidates have run for political office, including the presidency, in all 50 states, but it has not won enough adherents to be a major political force. "