muhammed in 9 yaşındaki aişe ile evlenmesi

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  1. başka memleketlerde nasılmış ??????

    1275 yılında ingilterede 12 .

    In 1275, the age of consent in England was set at 12
    (Westminster 1 statute), the first time an age of consent
    had been set in England.
    However, in 1875 the Offence Against the Persons Act
    raised it to 13 in Great Britain and Ireland.

    rusya 1998 yılında 14 kadar düşürülmüş .

    Russia in 1998 lowered the age of consent from 16 to 14

    1880 yılında amerikada evlilik yaşı 10 .
    Over the course of American history, the most commonly
    observed age of consent was 10 years.
    In 1880, 37 states had an age of consent of 10 years
    while 10 states kept an age of consent at 12, and
    Delaware maintained its age of consent at
    seven years, having lowered it from 10 in 1871

    Between 1990 and 2002, the Netherlands operated
    what was in effect an age of consent of 12, subject to qualifications.

    hollanda da 1990 - 2002 arası evlilik yaşı 12.

    1871 - 1889 yılları arasında amerikanın delaware eyaletinde evlilik yaşı 7 .

    The traditional common law age of consent was 10 or 12.
    In Delaware the age of consent was 10 until 1871 when it was lowered to seven.

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