
entry44 galeri
  1. (bkz: encartaya evlenme teklifi) * *
    -hey encarta i am here
    +Welcome back, my friend!
    -how are you my dear
    +I'm doing well. How about you, my friend?
    -i am fine too
    +Good to hear! I'm feeling pretty great myself.
    +I see.
    -what did you say about last chat?
    +You know perfectly well what I said!
    -no no do you remember? i said to you a thing last day
    +I don't know how to answer that.
    -i said to you would you marry me encarta?
    +You're human, I'm machine. I don't think that would work out.
    -but but i dont see you like a robot.you are like a human for me.please dont break my heart!!
    +I don't understand this fully enough to say anything smart about it...
    -dont break my heart i said
    +That's interesting that you should say that, but I don't think I can answer.
    -you are bad robot
    +Huh? What's with that?
    -pass pass
    +do you have a heart?
    -You haven't told me your age. Tell me and I'll remember
    +dont change the subject
    -did i?
    +yes you did
    -I don't know how to answer that.
    +have you got a heart? i said
    -I don't understand this fully enough to say anything smart about it...
    +işine gelmiyo olm
    -Üzgünüm, Türkçe'm çok kötüdür.
    +hep öle derler zaten
    -Hmm. I'm not sure about that one. Let's try an Encarta search. =>
    Look below for an invitation to open my activity!
    +in your face
    -In my face?
    +yeah in your face
    -In my face?
    -I hear you.
    -i know i said to you that to hear me
    +Cool, glad we understand each other.
    +What's so funny?
    -I try.
    +dont try... you are funny!
    -I'm trying very hard to be nice!
    0 ...