Something hides in every night
Brings desire from the deep
And with it comes a burning light
To keep us from our sleep
And as the full star tries his best to make the white pearl shine
Glances of a new day have arrived
And though he's not alone, he fears to never love another
And leave his heart forever with her smile
Habibi, light is burning
As i am burning
Habibi, light is burning
As i am yearning
Something died within a soul
Left the eyes to rust
And every time it is recalled
it covers all in dust
Habibi, light is burning
As i am burning
Habibi, light is burning
As i am yearning
And meanwhile, a whole lot goes down
Somewhere in the darkness, us together for a while
You loved it then, so did i
A feeling deep inside you wants to love it all again
Kimseye dokunmadan, kimseyle konuşmadan, kimseyi kendine, fikrine dahil etmeden, aklından geçenlerin akışına kapılarak acı çekenler için akıntının eğimini artıracak bir şarkı. Böyle yananların ateşini sönmek üzereyken harlayacak bir şarkı.