nacizanebilgi com

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  1. ayrıca yabancı basın mensuplarına dağıtılmak üzerede kadehteki ruj izi tarafından ingilizceye çevrilmiştir.

    anyone can make us stop talking!

    we are the contributers of one of the online dictionaries from turkiye, which has become one of the biggest instruments of data transferring and sharing via internet.

    someone is trying to make us stop talking for a long time by a court order passing beyond the intention. however, we know that it doesn’t pass beyond the intention, in fact. unfortunately, the aim is to make us stop talking and we really can’t understand what is trying to be meant since we can’t compass the logic. let’s adjust this then:

    for a long time, we are being squeezed by a court order which has been taken by the affects of people with malicious intentions due to a loophole in the law.

    because of the content which is claimed to be an element of guilt, our web-site is completely inhibited and our rights to communicate and gain data is being seized. we don’t manage any commercial aims. therefore the values which are demanded of our web-site and us, take us to the point of closure. someone is trying to bother nacizane online dictionary, being an online platform which all sorts of ideas are being shared, by censorship like other online communication platforms on the internet.

    the applications like blackening the tvs, inhibition to access data sharing platforms like youtube, prohibiting the blog pages finally damaged and is still damaging us.

    it is obvious that these baseless limitations will not stop here. day by day, the despotism administration will go on building itself and one day will affect all of us.

    we, the contributers of nacizane online dictionary, are prostesting applications of censorship and we invite public opinion to support independent internet access and to be a part of this honoured and right struggle.

    we will go on fearlessly writing the truth like our journalists, authors, poets, in short, intellectuals.

    we are fed up with being tried to be quiten. we will never be fed up with talking!
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