rusya nın s 400 kodlarını türkiye ye vermemesi

entry12 galeri
  1. kısa bir açıklama ...

    türkiye , s 300 sistemine aşina ....

    2012 -2013 yıllarında belarustan temin

    edilmiş. temel olarak s - 400 ile aynı , sadece

    daha performanslı ....

    Mikael Olson
    Answered Feb 25, 2016

    Dear Guys ,

    I don't know anyone of you following
    Turkish defence closely but I certainly am.

    A small point , Turkey has bought from

    Belarus a S-300 System (Only Radar sub systems ,

    no missle included) It was around 2012-2013.
    From that time on they worked on that system.

    Taking into consideration the difference between

    S-400 and S-300 which is only capacity wise , They long

    time ago finished solved the how system is working.

    The Koral system is partly designed as a result of that

    S-300 study. When you solve S-300 , the S-400 a piece of cake.

    s- 300 ün çalışma şekli vs. çzülmüş .

    ilave olarak , f -16 kodu denilen şey

    iff sistemidir . dost - düşman tanıma .

    amerikalılar , bunu bize vermediler . bizde

    bir avrupa ülkesinden tornadonun iff sistemini

    aldık .
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