willie adler

entry3 galeri
  1. esp kullanan ritim gitarist. sırasıyla şu modelleri kullanmıştır;

    * ESP Willie Adler Signature Model - Dark Green Camo. Adler's signature model guitar is based on the ESP Eclipse. It has a Dark Green Camo finish, a Mahogany Body, Ebony Fingerboard and Chrome Hardware. [1]
    * ESP Willie Adler Signature Model - Dark Grey Camo. Adler's signature model, but in a new Black Camo finish. [2]
    * ESP Willie Adler Signature Model - Brown Camo. Adler's signature model, but in a new Black Camo finish. Used in late 2008. [3]
    * ESP Eclipse II - Quilt Blue (w/Gold Edging). Adler used this guitar before his Signature model came into production. He also used it to record the majority of Lamb of God's album Sacrament.
    * ESP Eclipse II - Quilt Red (w/Gold Edging). Used live for a short period of time (2005).
    * ESP-LTD EX-400BD - Used as a backup guitar on tour.
    * Framus Diablo Pro - Various Colours. Used in the Ashes Of The Wake era. No longer in use.
    * Framus Diablo Custom
    * B.C. Rich Bich - Used in the New American Gospel era. No longer in use.

    ayrıca bu adamın metal yaratma yeteneğine söz söyleyemiyorum, inanılmaz bir insan, abisi * ile lamb of god' ın bel kemiği.
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