eternally missed

entry3 galeri
  1. Yıllaaaar sonra tam 16 yıl sonra geçen sene canlı çalınan muse şarkısı. Matt*in dediğine göre başta şarkının çok iyi olacağını düşünmüşler ancak stüdyoya girdikten sonra b side bile olamayacağında karar kılmışlar. En sonunda şarkı hysteria b side'ında yer almış. iyi ki de olmuş bu. Pek bilinmese de muse külliyatına hakim olanların sevdiği bir şarkıdır nitekim. Eski muse'a hasreti olanların kendini huzurlu kollara bırakabileceği şarkılardan biri. Yeni muse'u da severiz tabi hehe. Sözlerini de bırakalım;

    Chase your dreams away

    Glass needles in the hay
    The sun forgives the clouds
    You are my holy shroud

    I just don't care if it's real
    That won't change how it feels
    I just don't care if it's real
    That won't change how it feels

    No it doesn't change
    And you can't resist
    Making me feel eternally missed
    And you can't resist
    And you can't resist
    Making me feel

    Chase your dreams away
    Glass needles in the hay
    The sun forgives the clouds
    You are my holy shroud

    And I just don't care if it's real
    That won't change how it feels
    I just don't care if it's real
    That won't change how it feels

    No it doesn't change
    And you can't resist
    Making me feel eternally missed
    You can't resist
    You can't resist
    Making me feel

    You can't resist
    Making me feel eternally missed
    You can't resist
    You can't resist
    Making me feel

    You can't resist
    Making me feel eternally missed
    And you can't resist
    And you can't resist
    Making me feel

    Chase your dreams away
    Glass needles in the hay
    The sun forgives the clouds
    You are my holy shroud.
    2 ...