
entry70 galeri
  1. Sürrealist sinema için birkaç güzel örnek;
    -L' année dernière à Marienbad [Last Year at Marienbad]
    -Rękopis znaleziony w Saragossie [The Saragossa Manuscript]
    -La montaña sagrada [The Holy Mountain]
    -El ángel exterminador [The Exterminating Angel]
    -Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie [The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie]
    -Céline et Julie vont en bateau: Phantom Ladies Over Paris [Céline and Julie Go Boating]
    -Meshes of the Afternoon
    -Synecdoche, New York
    -Sanatorium pod klepsydrą [The Hour-Glass Sanatorium]
    -Le procès [The Trial]
    -Možnosti dialogu [Dimensions of Dialogue]
    -La planète sauvage [Fantastic Planet]
    -Vargtimmen [Hour of the Wolf]
    -Le fantôme de la liberté [The Phantom of Liberty]
    -El Topo
    -Simón del desierto [Simon of the Desert]
    -My Winnipeg
    -Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
    -Santa sangre
    -Sedmikrásky [Daisies]
    -Sånger från andra våningen [Songs From the Second Floor]
    -Něco z Alenky [Alice]
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