
entry6552 galeri video11
  1. yeni arayüzü hakkında gönderdiğim "götüme benzemiş" mesajıma şu şekilde cevap vermiş internet sitesi:


    We appreciate your feedback about the new site design. We're constantly trying to improve things on the site, so it is good to know what is working for you and what isn't. Unfortunately, we can';t write individual responses to each of these emails, but we are reading them. We hope these changes make the site even more useful for you. If there are any specific changes you recommend, please let us know.

    You may also want to check out this note (http://blog.new.facebook.com/ ) from our founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, and read his thoughts about the new Facebook.

    If you are having any problems with your account, you can also check out our Help page (http://www.facebook.com/help.php ) where you'll find information about Facebook as well as the answers to many answers of your questions.

    Thanks again for writing in.

    -The Facebook Team
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