suchanya chujai

entry24 galeri
  1. Terrific, terrific
    You were terrific, I was terrible1,
    we were terrific,
    you were terrific,
    I was terrible,
    we were terrific.

    Hey, baby, oops : young lady,
    I swear I won't hit on you,
    I am single and since yesterday, damn it,
    I cannot have children, but anyway that's not... Hey, come back here!
    Just a few minutes, come on, I did not insult you, I have my manners,
    and I'm quite a bit plastered and for guys like me
    you have other things to do, you could have seen me yesterday2,
    when I was

    Terrific, terrific
    You were terrific, I was terrible,
    we were terrific,
    you were terrific,
    I was terrible,
    we were terrific.
    0 ...