bilinçaltınız neye takıntılı testi

entry74 galeri
  1. son zamanlarda çözdüğüm ennnnn boktan test saçması.
    hazırlayanların ta amk.

    edit: oha sonuç doğru çıktı lan. uygulamalar saçma ama sonuç doğru. nasıl olur lan bu.

    "Your subconscious is obsessed with the fear of letting yourself down.

    The pictures you have picked suggest that from an early age, you've always had high expectations from yourself. You were a very smart kid who grew up to be a very sensitive and clever adult. You have a lot of goals you wish to accomplish in life but also a constant fear of failing.
    Your subconscious is always reminding you what will happen if and when you’ll fail, what will the repercussions be and how people would react to that.
    We can give you this tiny advice: Think of that fear as fuel, and use it to nourish your mind and body. Prove to yourself that you can do anything you want, and that fear is just there to make sure you accomplish your goals. We know you'll make it!

    So, Do you agree with your result? Do you think that your subconscious is obsessed with the fear of failing? Tell us in the comments!"
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