the anarchist cookbook

entry17 galeri
  1. içindeki 219 konunun tam listesi şöyledir;

    *Counterfeiting Money
    *Credit Card Fraud
    *Making Plastic Explosives
    *Picking Master Locks
    *The Arts of Lockpicking I
    *The Arts of Lockpicking II
    *Solidox Bombs
    *High Tech Revenge: The Beigebox
    *CO² Bombs
    *Thermite II Bombs
    *Touch Explosives
    *Letter Bombs
    *Paint Bombs
    *Ways to send a car to HELL
    *Do you hate school?
    *Phone related vandalism
    *Highway police radar jamming
    *Smoke Bombs
    *Mail Box Bombs
    *Hot-wiring cars
    *Fertilizer Bomb
    *Tennis Ball Bomb
    *Diskette Bombs
    *Unlisted Phone Numbers
    *How to make Potassium Nitrate
    *Exploding Lightbulbs
    *Under water igniters
    *Home-brew blast cannon
    *Chemical Equivalency List
    *Phone Taps
    *A different Molitov Cocktail
    *Phone Systems Tutorial I
    *Phone Systems Tutorial II
    *Basic Alliance Teleconferencing
    *Aqua Box Plans
    *Hindenberg Bomb
    *How to Kill Someone
    *Phone Systems Tutorial III
    *Black Box Plans
    *The Blotto Box
    *Brown Box Plans
    *Calcium Carbide Bomb
    *More Ways to Send a Car to Hell
    *Ripping off Change Machines
    *Clear Box Plans
    *CNA Number Listing
    *Electronic Terrorism
    *Start a Conf. w/o 2600hz or MF
    *Auto Exhaust Flame Thrower
    *How to Break into BBs Express
    *Fuse Bomb
    *Generic Bomb
    *Green Box Plans
    *Portable Grenade Launcher
    *Basic Hacking Tutorial I
    *Basic Hacking Tutorial II
    *Hacking DEC's
    *Harmless Bombs
    *Breaking into Houses
    *Remote Informer Issue #1
    *Jackpotting ATM Machines
    *Jug Bomb
    *Fun at K-Mart
    *Mace Substitute
    *How to Grow Marijuana
    *Match Head Bomb
    *Terrorizing McDonalds
    *"Mentor's" Last Words
    *The Myth of the 2600hz Detector
    *Blue Box Plans
    *Napalm II
    *Nitroglycerin Recipe
    *Operation: Fuckup
    *Stealing Calls from Payphones
    *Pool Fun
    *Free Postage
    *Unstable Explosives
    *Weird Drugs
    *The Art of Carding
    *Recognizing Credit Cards
    *How to Get a New Identity
    *Remote Informer Issue #2
    *Remote Informer Issue #3
    *Remote Informer Issue #4
    *Remote Informer Issue #5
    *Phreaker's Guide to Loop Lines
    *Ma-Bell Tutorial
    *Getting Money out of Pay Phones
    *Computer-based PBX
    *PC-Pursuit Port Statistics
    *Pearl Box Plans
    *The Phreak File
    *Red Box Plans
    *Scarlet Box Plans
    *Silver Box Plans
    *Bell Trashing
    *Canadian WATS Phonebook
    *Hacking TRW
    *Hacking VAX & UNIX
    *Verification Circuits
    *White Box Plans
    *The BLAST Box
    *Dealing with the R&R Operator
    *Cellular Phone Phreaking
    *Cheesebox Plans
    *Start Your Own Conferences
    *Gold Box Plans
    *The History of ESS
    *The Lunch Box
    *Olive Box Plans
    *The Tron Box
    *More TRW Info
    *"Phreaker's Phunhouse"
    *Phrack Magazine-Vol. 3, Issue 27
    *Phrack Magazine-Vol. 3, Issue 27
    *Phrack Magazine-Vol. 3, Issue 28
    *Phrack Magazine-Vol. 3, Issue 28
    *Phrack Magazine-Vol. 3, Issue 28
    *Phrack Magazine-Vol. 3, Issue 30
    *Phrack Magazine-Vol. 3, Issue 30
    *Phrack Magazine-Vol. 3, Issue 30
    *Sodium Chlorate
    *Mercury Fulminate
    *Improvised Black Powder
    *Nitric Acid
    *Dust Bomb Instructions
    *Carbon-Tet Explosive
    *Making Picric Acid from Aspirin
    *Reclamation of RDX from C-4
    *Egg-based Gelled Flame Fuels
    *Clothespin Switch
    *Flexible Plate Switch
    *Low Signature System [Silencers]
    *Delay Igniter From Cigarette
    *Dried Seed Timer
    *Nail Grenade
    *Bell Glossary
    *Phone Dial Locks -- Beat'em
    *Exchange Scanning
    *A Short History of Phreaking
    *"Secrets of the Little Blue Box"
    *The History of British Phreaking
    *"Bad as Shit"
    *Fucking with the Operator
    *Phrack Magazine-Vol. 1, Issue 1
    *International Country Codes List
    *Infinity Transmitter Plans
    *Yummy Marihuana Recipes
    *Chemical Fire Bottle
    *Igniter from Book Matches
    *"Red or White Powder" Propellant
    *Pipe Hand Grenade
    *European Credit Card Fraud
    *Potassium Bomb
    *Your Legal Rights
    *Juvenile Offenders' Rights
    *Down The Road Missle
    *Fun With Shotgun Shells
    *Surveillance Equipment
    *Drip Timer
    *Shaving cream bomb
    *Ripping off change machines II
    *Lockpicking the EASY way
    *Anarchy 'N' Explosives Prelude
    *Anarchy 'N' Explosives Vol. 1
    *Anarchy 'N' Explosives Vol. 2
    *Anarchy 'N' Explosives Vol. 3
    *Anarchy 'N' Explosives Vol. 4
    *Anarchy 'N' Explosives Vol. 5
    *Explosives and Propellants
    *Lockpicking III
    *Chemical Equivalent List II
    *Nitroglycerin II
    *Cellulose Nitrate
    *Starter Explosives
    *Flash Powder
    *Exploding Pens
    *Revised Pipe Bombs
    *Ammonium TriIodide
    *Sulfuric Acid & Amm. Nitrate III
    *Black Powder III
    *The Black Gate BBS
    *Picric Acid II
    *Bottled Explosives
    *Dry Ice
    *Fuses / Ignitors / Delays
    *Film Canister Bombs
    *Book Bombs
    *Phone Bombs
    *Special Ammunition
    *Pipe Cannon II
    *Smoke Bombs
    *Suppliers II
    *Lab-Raid Checklist
    *Misc Anarchy
    *Combo Locks II
    *Misc Anarchy II
    *Thermite IV
    2 ...