my dying bride'ın 2004 cıkıslı songs of darkness words of light albumunun en iyilerinden.pismanlık hissettiren, ic acıtan, derine gomen nefis bir melodi ve ustune sirin, sade ve kısacık sozlerle olusturulmus; cok cok sade ama bir o kadar vurucu, asırı melankolik ama bir o kadar da sevimli parca. gariplikler silsilesi...
where are you now my love?
my sweet one.
where have you gone my love?
i'm so alone.
i only think of you.
and it drives me down.
i only dream of you.
i'll come to you. take my hand.
hold me again. please take my hand
please hold me now my love.
where are you now, oh my sweet love.
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