laid to rest

entry22 galeri
  1. Lamb of god'ın ashes of the wake albümünden çıkan ilk klip parçası. Buyrun...

    if there was a single day i could live,
    a single breath i could take,
    i'd trade all the others away.

    the blood's on the wall,
    so you might as well just admit it.
    and bleach out the stains,
    commit to forgetting it.
    you're better off empty and blank,
    then left with a single pathetic trace of this.
    smother another failure.

    lay this to rest,
    console yourself,
    you're better alone,
    destroy yourself,
    say who gives a fuck.

    adorn yourself,
    you're better alone,
    destroy yourself.

    i'll chain you to the truth,
    for the truth shall set you free.
    i'll turn those screws of vengence,
    and bury you with honesty.

    i'll make all your dreams come to life,
    then slay them as quickly as they came,
    smother another failure.

    lay this to rest,
    console yourself,
    you're better alone,
    destroy yourself,
    say who gives a fuck.

    adorn yourself,
    you're better alone,
    destroy yourself.

    say who gives a fuck.


    if there was a day i could live,
    if there was a single breath i could take,
    i'd trade all the others away,
    i'd trade all the others away.
    3 ...