canyon behind her

entry2 galeri
  1. el cielo'nun kapanışını yaparken aklımızı başımızdan alan dredg şarkısıdır. öbür yarısını kaybedip, bulamayan ruhlara grubun armağanıdır. **
    şarkı birinin japonca bir şeyler söylemesiyle başlamakta. burada şarkının salvador dali'nin bir resminden ilham alınarak yapıldığı belirtilmekteymiş. söz konusu resim için;

    does anybody feel this way
    does anybody feel like i do
    does anybody feel this way
    does anybody feel like i do

    i built a wall
    it stretched one thousand miles
    set it off
    it s holding up the roof
    breast feed your heart
    set it off

    i saw a distant port
    with no water to support
    burning the bridge between

    does anybody feel this way
    does anybody feel like i do
    does anybody feel this way
    does anybody feel like i do

    never content nor satisfied
    tensions of self
    the massacre changed history
    borderline paranoia
    yelling at their own rights
    set it off

    does anybody feel this way
    does anybody feel like i do
    though half of me is gone
    the lonesome heart is there

    i cannot find the other half
    i cannot find the other half
    i cannot find the other half
    i cannot find the other half
    0 ...