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you are entitled to protection in sweden if you have a well-founded fear of persecution related to, as an example, your sexual orientation, gender or gender identity. when you have applied for asylum, the swedish migration agency will do an individual assessment of your right to protection in sweden.
ıt is important to tell us your reasons for your asylum application as early as possible. these are a couple of examples of what might be reasons for protection in sweden.
threats or violence of a serious nature from your family, the state, or other persons can be grounds for asylum.
ıf legislation, general rules or public opinion entails you being subjected to serious offences due to your sexual orientation — for example fines, severe assaults against your life and health, through being denied education or withheld the right to choose a profession or the right to health care — you can be entitled to asylum.
the risk of such offences that can be regarded as persecution due to you being gay, lesbian, bisexual, or a transgender person can lead to refugee status.
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