baila el chiki chiki

entry26 galeri video2
  1. bir ispanyol şarkısı.


    Perrea! Perrea!

    The chikichiki is great, so great
    We dance in China and also in Alcorcón

    Give her Chikichiki to that brunetty
    That chikichiki makes her very playful

    This is what Jose Luis danced, what Hugo Chavez danced,
    What Mariano dances, and you know my love.

    What the Brother dance, dance my brother
    I danced my mulatto with panties in her hand

    And chikichiki dancing like this:
    One: brikindans (break dance)
    Two: crusaíto
    Three: maiquelyason (Michael Jackson)
    Four: Robocop

    Dance the dance chikichiki the chikichiki
    The dance of the heavies and also the friquis (Freakies)

    We dance in jail, dancing at school,
    My mother dance and my grandmother too.

    tiger-puma sings with his striped suit,
    And Juan Carlos tells ¿Por que no te callas? (why don't you shut up?)

    In the wake of Father Damien
    They chikichiki and threw the dead to dance

    Dance, dance, dance!

    The chikichiki dancing like this:
    One: breikindans
    Two: crusaíto
    Three: maiquelyason
    Four: Robocop
    1 ...