haligh haligh a lie haligh

entry19 galeri video1
  1. dinlerken sizin de içiniz acır conor oberst in sesine

    the phone slips from a loose grip.
    words were missed then, some apology
    (like) i didnt want to tell you this
    no its just some guy she's been hanging out with
    i dont know the past couple weeks i('d) guess

    thank you and hang up the phone
    let the funeral start
    hear the casket close
    let's pin split-black ribbon to your overcoat.
    laughter pours from under doors in this house i dont
    understand that sound no more. seems artificial like a tv set.

    haligh, haligh, haligh, haligh this weight it must be satisfied.
    you offer only one reply, you know not what you do.
    but you tear and tear your hair from roots
    (from) that same head you have twice removed
    now a lock of hair you said would prove:
    our love would never die.
    well, ha ha ha.

    i remember everything the words we spoke on freezing south street.
    all those mornings watching you get ready for school.
    you combed your hair inside that mirror, the one you painted blue and glued with jewelry tears
    something about those bright colors would always make you feel better.

    (but) now we speak with ruined tongues and the words we say aren't meant for anyone.
    it's just a mumbled sentence to a passing acquaintance, but there was once you
    you said you hate my suffering and you understood (and) you'd take care of me.
    you'd always be there, well where are you now?

    haligh, haligh, haligh, haligh, the plans were never finalized but left to hang like yarn and twine
    dangling before my eyes. as you tear and tear your hair from roots,
    (from) that same head that you have twice removed now a lock of hair you said would prove
    our love would never die.

    and i sing and sing of awful things, the pleasure that my sadness brings
    as my fingers press onto the strings (in) yet another clumsy chord.

    haligh, haligh, an awful lie
    this weight will now be satisfied
    i will give you only one reply:
    i know not who i am, but i talk in the mirror to the stranger that appears.
    our conversations are circles and always one sided, nothing is clear.

    except we keep coming back to this meaning that i lack,
    he says the choices were given now you must live them
    or just not live. but do you want that?
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