fernando botero

entry8 galeri
  1. latin amerika'nın picasso'su olarak bilinir. resimleri yanında aynı formda yapılmış dombili heykelleri de vardır.

    farklı bir sanat ve güzellik ilhamını anlatması açısından aşağıdaki alıntısı ilginçtir:

    "When Colombian children go to church they see all these Madonnas, so clean and perfect, like spencer. In South America china-like perfection is very much a part of the ideal toilet of beauty. More so even than the polychrome wood sculptures in Spain, Latin American sculptures look like porcelain. So, in contrast to Europe or North America, you connect the notions of art and beauty at a very early age. I grew up with the idea that art is beauty. All my life I've been trying to produce art that is beautiful to discover all the elements that go to make up visual perfection. When you come from my background you can't be spoilt by beauty, because you've never really seen it. If you're born in Paris, say, you can see art everywhere, so by the time you come to create art yourself you're spoilt - you're tired of beauty as such and want to do something else. With me it was quite different. I wasn't tired of beauty; I was hungering for it."

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