
entry20 galeri video1
  1. Lise'deyken ingilizce dersinde verdigim bir ödev'de ingilizcesini yazdigim siir tarzi. Yalniz benim ki 4+4+3+3 degil 3 dörtlü ve 1 ikili'den olusuyor. Biseyleri yanlis anlamisim sanirim. bilgisayarimda duruyormus hala, zaten az once bilgisayar'da karsima ciktigi icin bu basliktayim su an. Sonem'i sizinle de paylasmak istedim. Uyari: agir ergen duygulariyla yazilmistir.

    A Sonnet

    Would you let me repair your broken heart
    If I told you how much I’ve missed your eyes
    If I with all my love wrote you a card
    Would you perhaps hear all my endless cries?

    The boundaries part you from my puzzled mind
    I’ve missed your eyes: its’ blend of green and brown
    I’ve missed your face: a fairness hard to find
    So, can’t you see this yearning brings me down?

    Would you let me be yours, forever yours
    If I proved you how weak I am ’thout you
    If I just followed you not asking course
    Would you perhaps then feel the way I do?

    So now I ask from you with great desire
    Forgive: regretting heart of mine’s on fire
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