punk manifesto

entry7 galeri
  1. part 3;

    what is fear?

    the fears that drive people to conform have caused dismal periods in human history. the so-called dark ages, were tranquil and without upheaval, but also dismally quiet and pestilent, nary a contrasting view to be found. the pseudo-comfort and tranquility that the people of the dark ages experienced, by conforming to a rigidly enforced bureaucracy enforced by the king and church, was masked entirely by the misery they had to endure in their day to day life. life is easy as a peasant, no direction, no purpose, just produce more goods and offspring for the benefit of the king. but using fear to control peasants (or modern-day blue-collar workers for that matter) is just a short-term foul exercise, because peasants have the same mental equipment as the royalty.

    the deeply ingrained biological traits of self-recognition and the desire to express the self cannot be quashed for long. eventually peasants realize that life without the practice of reason is as good as being a farm animal. being controlled by fear is the same as being biologically inert, unable to take part in the human drama, merely wasting away. the fear that controls human behavior is learned. it is different from the immediate, reflexive, run-away-from-the- nasty-stimulus response that other creatures employ to stay alive. we have motor reflexes like these as well, but fear of failure, and fear of speaking out come from the limbic system.

    the limbic system is a network of neurons in our brain that control our most deep-seated emotions. it connects two parts of the brain together: the midbrain, where sensory information is sent (i.e. sight and hearing stimuli) and the forebrain, where that information is processed. although the forebrain has been around for at least 480 million years (it was present in the earliest vertebrates), it evolved special functions with the advent of humankind.

    a specialized portion of the forebrain, called the cerebral cortex, is highly developed in humans. 95% of our cerebral cortex is responsible for associative mental activities like contemplation and planning. the other 5% is responsible for processing motor and sensory information.

    by comparison, a mouse (also considered a higher vertebrate), has a cerebral cortex with only 5% of its neurons devoted to associative functions, while 95% are devoted to motor and sensory fuctions.

    the highly developed limbic system is at the core of what it means to be human. we differ from other animals in the amount of time we spend planning, contemplating, and expressing ourselves. our limbic system is very powerful. it can over-ride primitive emotions, and suppress deep desires. anyone who has ever seen a sad movie with friends, and willfully held back tears because they didn't want their friends to see them crying, employed the power of their limbic system. they contemplated the repercussions of their friends reaction to crying, and shut off the emotional cascade that would have brought the tears.

    in the same way that rationality is the product of the limbic system, fear is also centered in the same neurons of the limbic system. fear is usually rational behavior, based on irrational thoughts, and it can freeze the processing power of the cerebral cortex. denial and fear go hand in hand, and both are examples of how our limbic system can suppress obvious stimuli and promote behavior that is safe and conforming.

    the limbic system is like any other organ in the sense that it can operate unchecked to produce detrimental results. being in touch with our bodies leads to overall general health, and the limbic system needs constant attention in order to master it. to overcome fear, one needs to be in touch with their limbic system, and recognize when it is suppressing the obvious.

    etiquette and "being nice" are forms of limbic-system repression, necessary at times, but ultimately demeaning of human originality. lying is the ultimate form of limbic-system repression. it is a denial of the obvious. truth-tellers, those who are authentic and trustworthy, have learned to master their limbic system. they recognize the desire to lie, but rationalize the futility of advocating something that is not true. liars, on the other hand, are slaves to their limbic system, out of touch with their most basic mental capacities. their behavior is guarded and shifty because they let their flawed reasoning, to cover up the obvious, control their entire makeup. they eventually have to give in to the truth and concede defeat, but only after every possible avenue of deception and twisted logic has been advocated in the interest of hiding their fear.

    politicians, clergymen, business leaders, and judges are masters of twisted logic and promotion of fear. they make good intellectual targets for punkers because they don't respect people who have learned to master their limbic systems. and punkers are not afraid to point out that which is obvious, even if it means their social status might be jeopardized.

    punk is: the constant struggle against fear of social repercussions.

    the punk movement

    i have tried to enumerate some of the factors that make punk a movement, in the cultural sense. the typical stereotype of a feeble-minded ruffian vandalizing, destroying, stealing, fighting, or arguing in the name of some empty, short-lived cause is no more punk than the pretty-face-empty-head image of today's pop stars.

    because it is so easy for record companies to sell images of violence, sex, and self-importance, many bands have taken the bait and portrayed themselves as punks, without realizing that they were actually perpetuating a stereotype of conformity that is wholly un-punk.

    the "come join us" attitude that seeks to attract followers, usually results in a rabble of weak people who think that their power lies in the large numbers of like-minded clones they have compiled. there is no strength in numbers however, if the people are glued together by a short-sighted, self-serving, fear-induced mantra that promotes factions and exclusionary principles.

    strong ideologies don't require a mob, they persist through time, and never go away, because they are intimately connected to our biology. they are part of what it means to exist as homo sapiens. punk typifies that tradition. it is a movement of epic proportions, that transcends the immediacy of the here-and- now, because it is, was, and always will be there-and-forever, as long as humans walk the earth.

    as we enter a new era in the voracious march of culture, punks will have their day. the internet has allowed people to communicate directly once again. on the web, human behavior is interactive, like it was before the advent of mass-media.

    people now focus on ideological discussions and lifestyle issues, as opposed to the classic 20th century behavior of closing oneself off from cohorts, and adhering to a network's, or commercial's prescriptive code of acceptable behavior. the lies, and mysteries of elitism will erode quickly as the global conversation that transpires daily on the web invades more people's lives.

    the world population will be more receptive to alternative ideologies because they will be creating them. people will be less receptive to ideologies of out- dated institutions because the holes and flaws in their logic will be ever more amplified when they are broadcast instantly around the world as they become revealed.

    the "strength-in-understanding", and "knowledge-is-power" ethics that punks maintain will become the norm. the rigidity, brutishness, and futility of secret agendas will be made obvious, paving the way to an appreciation of human uniqueness, and a new era of originality.

    who is punk?

    everyone has the potential to be punk. it is much harder for someone who comes from a placid, un-challenging, ignorant upbringing, because they don't see the value in questioning or provoking the institutions that gave them such tranquility. but such examples of carefree existence are rare in today's shrinking world.

    eternal questions still burn in the minds of most people. what it means to be human is becoming more clear every decade. sometimes, people are trained to follow the safe path to an early grave by consuming and repeating the dogma of a fearful aristocracy.

    on the other hand, the human spirit is hard to kill. punk is a microcosm of the human spirit. punks succeed with their minds, not their brute force. they advance society by their diversity, not their conformity. they motivate others by inclusion, not domination.

    they are at the front lines of self-betterment and by extrapolation can improve the complexion of the human race. they adhere to unwritten universal principles of human emotion, obvious to anyone, and shun elitist codes of behavior, or secret agendas. they embody the hope of the future, and reveal the flaws of the past. don't tell them what to do, they are already leading you.

    punk is: the personal expression of uniqueness that comes from the experiences of growing up in touch with our human ability to reason and ask questions.

    punk is: a movement that serves to refute social attitudes that have been perpetuated through willful ignorance of human nature.

    punk is: a process of questioning and commitment to understanding that results in self-progress, and through repetition, flowers into social evolution.

    punk is: a belief that this world is what we make of it, truth comes from our understanding of the way things are, not from the blind adherence to prescriptions about the way things should be.

    punk is: the constant struggle against fear of social repercussions''

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