sözleri gerçekten güzel bir şarkıdır. tanrı, poker, aşk, hayal ve gerçek kavramlarının "stingçe" bir takım felsefi sözlerle harmanlanması sonucu böyle bir şarkı ortaya çıkmıştır. sting'in bu şarkıyla ilgili şöyle bir sözü vardır, türkçeye kendiniz çevirirsiniz artık:
"I wanted to write about a card player, a gambler who gambles not to win but to try and figure out something; to figure out some kind of mystical logic in luck, or chance; some kind of scientific, almost religious law. So this guy's a philosopher, he's not playing for respect and he's not playing for money, he's just trying to figure out the law - there has to be some logic to it. He's a poker player so it's not easy for him to express his emotions, in fact he doesn't express anything, he has a mask, and it's just one mask and it never changes."