tsk nın angajman kurallarını uygulayamaması

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  1. Asıl konuşulması gereken Pyd nin suriye nin kuzeyinde bir devlet kurması. Rusya ilişkileri bilinçli gerdi. Ve bunu her fırsatta belli etti. Uçak düşmeden önce de moskovada Pyd ile görüşmeleri oldu. Bunlar önceden yazılmış senaryolar Facts:

    1) ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi was once a super-high level prisoner of the US government. Despite the fact that the US had offered a ten million dollar reward for him, the Obama regime ordered his release in 2009.
    2) The Obama regime, with major support from Senate neo-cons John McCain and Lindsey Graham, gave hundreds of millions in military aid to Sunni Jihadists in Syria. Thousands of individuals receiving US aid are now members of ISIS. In fact, ISIS has even posted pictures of ISIS fighters with US Senator John McCain on the internet.
    3) Israel has directly aided Sunni Jihadists in Syria by bombing Syrian military assets during Jihadist attacks.
    4) The Israeli Prime Minister has reacted to the ISIS spearheaded Sunni/Shia Civil War in Iraq with borderline glee. The president of Israel has also suggested that a Sunni/Shia war is beneficial to the future of Israel.
    5) The US and Britiain provided Sunni Jihadists with Toyota trucks in Syria. When, an army of ISIS fighters rolled over the Syria/Iraq border it looked like a commercial for Toyota.
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