alice cooper

entry66 galeri video1
  1. albüm isimleri ve seneleri şöyledir:

    71 killer
    - under my wheels
    - be my lover
    - halo of fies
    - desperado
    - you drive me nervous
    - dead babies
    - yeah yeah yeah
    - killer

    71 Love it to death
    - cought in a dream
    - I m eighteen
    - long way to go
    - black juju
    - is it my body
    - hallowed be my name
    - second coming
    - ballad of dwight fry
    - sun arise

    72 Schools out
    - schools out
    - lonely tune
    - gutter cat vs the jets
    - street fight
    - blue turk
    - my stars
    - public animal
    - alma mater
    - grand finale

    73 Billion dolar babies
    - hello hooray
    - raped and freezin
    - elected
    - billion dolar babies
    - unfinished sweet
    - no more nice guy
    - generation landslide
    - sick things
    - marry ann
    - I love the dead

    75 wellcome to my nightmare
    - welcome to my nightmare
    - devils food
    - the black widow
    - some folks
    - only women bleed
    - department of youth
    - cold ethyl
    - years ago
    - steven
    - the awakening
    - escape

    78 from the inside
    - from the inside
    - wish ı were born in beverly hills
    - the quiet room
    - nurse rozetta
    - millie and billie
    - serious
    - hw you gonna see me now
    - for veranicas sake
    - jackknife jhonny
    - inmates were all crazy

    81 special forces
    - who do you think we are
    - seven and seven is
    - prettiest cop on the block
    - dont talk old the me
    - generation landslide 81
    - skeletons in the closet
    - you want it you got it
    - you look good in rags
    - you are a movie
    - vicious rumours

    83 dada
    - dada
    - eneoughs enough
    - former lee warmer
    - no mans land
    - dyslexia
    - scarlet and sheba
    - ı love america
    - flash blood
    - pass the gun around

    86 constrictor
    - teenage frankenstein
    - give it up
    - thrill my gorilla
    - life and death of party
    - simple disobedience
    - the world needs guts
    - trick bag
    - crawlin
    - the freat american succes story
    - he is back

    87 `raise your fist and
    - freedom
    - lock me up
    - give the radio back
    - step on you
    - not that kind of love
    - prince of darkness
    - time to kill
    - chop chop chop
    - gail
    - roses on white lace

    89 trash
    - poison
    - spark in the dark
    - house of fire
    - why thrust you
    - only my heart talkin
    - bed of nails
    - this maniacs in love with you
    - trash
    - hell is living without you
    - im your gun

    91 hey stoopid
    - hey stoopid
    - love is a loaded gun
    - snakebite
    - burning our bed
    - dangerous tonight
    - might as well be on mars
    - freed my frankenstein
    - hurrican years
    - little by little
    - die for you
    - dirty dreams
    - wind up toy

    94 the last temptation
    - sideshow
    - nothings free
    - lost in america
    - bad place alone
    - your my temptation
    - stolen prayer
    - unholy war
    - lullaby
    - its me
    - cleaned by fire

    kaynak borcu arşiv, isteyen olursa paylaşırım.
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