the faded line

entry9 galeri
  1. lamb of god 2004 yapımı ashes of the wake albümünün yine gaz parçalarından biri. senkopları muhteşemdir.

    Witness shame's parade, the pain of blame repaid
    It's fucking hopeless
    Accusations and denial.
    Hopeless... demon of another day
    Colorless... stoned, solid grey
    Emptiness... of promises I made
    So faithless... the tenants long betrayed.
    Walk the faded line, cursed crawl of time
    Silence, the only promise ever kept.
    Familiar touch, a ritual to numb the cut
    Salvation in vic
    Anguish is realizing what could have been, but never was
    It's emptiness that fills the cup
    Devotion in the method of my fall.
    Pointless... futility continuing
    Endless... flowing corrupted vein.
    Walk the faded line, cursed crawl of time
    Silence, the only promise ever kept.
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