zaknafein do urden

entry2 galeri
  1. Zaknafein Do'Urden: Male Drow Fighter15/Tempest8

    CR:25 (ki hadi lan ordan demek istiyorum. zira Jarlaxle'ın challenge ratingi bile 18 idi)
    Medium-size humanoid (elf)

    Hit Dice 23d10+69

    hitpoint 210

    Init +9

    Spd: 30ft

    AC 24 (touch 14, flat footed 20)

    Atk +29/+24/+19/+14 melee (1d8+10, 15-20/x2, +5 Keen Longsword ) and +29/+24/+19 melee (1d8+8,15-20/x2,+5 Keen Longsword ) or +29/+24/+19/+14 (1d2, x2, Masterwork Whip) SQ Absolute Ambidexterity, Drow Traits, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Light Blindness, Off-Hand Parry +6,

    SV Fort+22, Ref+16, Will+13

    Str 16, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 14.

    Height 5'3".

    Skills and Feats: Balance+12, Climb+11, Hide+18, Intimidate+13, Jump+11, Listen+12, Move Silently+18, Spot+7, Tumble+12, Wildreness Lore+7 Ambidexterity, Blind Fight, Dodge, Expertise, Highborn Drow, Exotic Weapon (Whip), Improved Critical (longswords), Improved Initiative, Improved Levitation, Mobilty, Quick Draw, Spring Attack, Twin Sword Style, Two Weapon Fighting,Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword), Whirlwind Attack

    (bkz: çüş)

    Absolute Ambidexterity: Beginning at 8th level, the tempest's attack penalties for fighting with two weapons lessen by 2 when he is wearing light armor or no armor. Thus, if he fights with a light weapon in her off hand, he suffers no penalties on her attack rolls for fighting with two weapons. (If the off-hand weapon is not light, he suffers a -2 penalty on attack rolls with both her primary hand and her offhand.)

    Drow Traits: +2 racial bonus on Will saves againsts spells and spell like abilities, Darkvision 120ft, Light Blindness
    Greater Two-Weapon Fighting: At 8th level, Zaknafein gained an additional attack with his off-hand weapon when he is wearing light armor or no armor. In addition to the two attacks he already has each round with his off-hand weapon (for improved Two-Weapon Fighting and Improved Two-Weapon Fighting) at penalties of 0 and -5, respectively, he is also entitled to a third attack with his off-hand weapon at a -10 penalty . Zaknafein loses this special ability when fighting in medium or heavy armor, or when using a double weapon (such as a two-bladed sword).

    Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day- Dancing Lights, Darkness, Detect Magic, Detect Good, Faerie Fire, Levitate*. All of Zak's spell-like abilities are cast as a 23rd level sorceror.

    Possessions: Boots of Elvenkind, +4 Elven Chainmail, +5 Keen Adamantine Longswords x2, +4 Piwafwi of Resistance (+4 to all saving throws, +10 Hide), Masterwork Whip .
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